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Weaving, My Story

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My name is Elizabeth Aulenback. I bought my first loom and began weaving in 2002. I am self-taught, with much assistance and encouragement by the members of Kedge Weavers Guild, who have generously shared their skills and knowledge with me. I have attended several KWG workshops and a Jane Stafford Class, and I continue to read, learn, sample and experiment. I am currently taking a course on "The Power of Color". I love the challenge of planning my own projects, love the math! Love the color! I rarely use a published "recipe" or pattern  for my weaving.

I often use my handspun wools, alpaca and dog hair/wool blends, making blankets, shawls and scarves. My Baby Wraps are usually woven with mercerized cotton; tea towels, bread cloths and "Kamp Kloths" with cotton, cotolin and/or hemp; table runners and placemats with cotton, cotolin and/or linen. Many items are woven for my own use and for gifts, but I sell some items and both spin and weave custom items. My studio is located in my smoke free, dog friendly home on the South Shore of  Nova Scotia, Canada.

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